Vocabulary Bingo
Practice your vocabulary with our bingo game which includes 25 words associated with the house in English.
These bingo cards were created using The Bingo Maker bingo card maker; you may create your own custom bingo cards with a free trial of The Bingo Maker using a wide variety of bingo templates.
learning and teaching resources
Cards are great for playing vocabulary games, but you can use them in many other ways. For example, kids can collect these cards to make their own picture dictionaries. Collect our bingo! Cards to make your own picture dictionary. You can colour the pictures. Each student needs a prepared Bingo card (See Associated File for copy and the Preparations section for instructions on how to prepare the cards) and at least 25 Bingo markers. As you call out the vocabulary definitions, the students place a marker over the correct vocabulary word.
There are 36 thematic bingo! cards to choose from. Scroll down to explore, download and print!

Bingo! cards
Our bingo! cards are a fun way to build language skills. You can use them for introducing and practising vocabulary, and they are great to play word games. Designed for further practice, these printables complete our online activities such as matching games or vocabulary quizzes. However, you can use them independently, in any way you like.
Below you will find a picture guide to these resources sorted alphabetically by topic. Each resource image is a direct link to the pdf file. Below each resource image there is a relevant wordlist. Take a look at the previews to see which ones are best for you and your students, then download and print your activities.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download and print our worksheets.
Vocabulary Bingo
Supplementary resources
Classroom games »
If your students enjoy our bingo activities, you could expand them by playing related word games. Here are some ideas.
Vocabulary Bingo Card Generator
Related online word games »
Take the learning online! We offer a variety of word activities that go well with the bingo! cards.