Celeb Bingo

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Celeb Bingo

Bingo is growing in popularity and it's no surprise that more celebrity Bingo players are joining the ranks and participating in this fun pastime. Whether using their fame and status for charitable purposes or just enjoying the social atmosphere and excitement of the game, it isn't surprising to see the rich and famous joining in Bingo halls and online games. It's a celebtrated part of bingo history - Celebrities such as Russell Crowe, Catherine Zeta Jones and Robbie Williams have become known for their appreciation of the game and even U.S. presidents such as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have become acquainted with the game. From young to old, rich and poor, Bingo is a game that reaches across generations and provides entertainment as well as monetary rewards.

Famous Bingo players aren't limited to just the Hollywood crowds. Many local celebrities will gladly participate in games in order to promote a charitable cause or event. Those organizing special events will do well to invite local celebrities, such as those who have made great impacts upon local culture, the arts and society, to participate in their games. A charitable celebrity Bingo game can have fantastic results and help bring much needed attention to a worthy cause, all while having fun.
In other ways, celebrity Bingo games have become as popular as celebrity poker games. Several underground clubs cater to the likes of the rich and famous, much in the same vein as they do poker games. Long gone are the days of Bingo being your grandmother's and grandfather's game; Bingo is now associated with the trendy and 'A' list of who's who.
While some celebrities are known for playing Bingo, others have become associated with throwing their own Bingo parties. Catherine Zeta-Jones is said to hold a Bingo party every Christmas where she invites friends and family members to revel in the game. There is no doubt that the reputation of Bingo has changed and as more celebrities lend their glamour, style and pizzazz to the game, it is only to increase in popularity.
Those who enjoy playing online may be sharing games with famous celebrities without ever knowing it. With the phenomenal success of online Bingo halls increasing the amount of players coming to the game, it would come as no surprise that the person playing from the luxury of their home might be an 'A' lister or a celebrity from half way around the world. There is no question about it; Bingo has become one of the most popular online games. In fact, recent reports state that even the Royal Family enjoys the game as Prince William was seen leaving a Bingo hall.
Of all the celebrity Bingo players widely talked about, none may have as interesting a story to share as Academy Award winning, New Zealand born actor, Russell Crowe. The star of hit movies such as 'Gladiator,' 'A Beautiful Mind,' 'Robin Hood,' and 'L.A. Confidential,' is said to have once worked as a Bingo caller, however, he reportedly lost the job on account of being rude- shocking, isn't it!
When it comes to celebrities, Bingo and violence, none could be so quick as to forget the lawsuit filed by Richelle Olson against Sacha Baron Cohen. Cohen, best known for his work as 'Ali G,' 'Bruno' and 'Borat' was sued by Olson, who worked at a senior's Bingo game organization. She claimed that Cohen was to make an appearance at the center based upon his celebrity status, but when he arrived in 'Bruno' character, things went drastically wrong. She described Cohen as rude, vulgar and using offensive language and when she tried to take a microphone away from him; a physical struggle ensued.
According to Olsen, she collapsed and was injured. The lawsuit was ultimately dismissed, however, not only did Olsen sue Cohen, but she had added NBC Universal to her suit as well. NBC Universal responded that they had taped the charity event and there was no alleged incident; or at least, not the way Richelle Olson had described. Not only did Richelle Olsen lose her suit, but she will pay for NBC Universal's legal costs as well. The case is called 'Olson v. Cohen' and was heard in the Court of Appeals of California where it was determined that Olson would be responsible for the defendant's attorney's fees.
Connect with author, Jeff Davis on Google+.

Think you are too cool for bingo? Well, first, get educated, as there are so many types of bingo that you are bound to find one that you find one that matches that wonderful image of yours. Second, there are a host of celebrities, people literally adored by thousands, who love a bit of eyes down and marking their card with their dauber.

We expect we are going to have to work a little harder to break down that stereotype of yours of that elderly lady with the perm and the blue rinse who goes to Bingo every Thursday evening. So, we are going to take you one by one through some of those with the most chic who love a bit of bingo. Then, we can talk about what is cool.

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Catherine Zeta-Jones

Yes, not only did Catherine Zeta Jones star as a welsh beauty in Darling Buds of May but then went on to marry a genuine Hollywood legend, Michael Douglas. She had major film roles in Mask of Zorro and Chicago. In short, she is a superstar. She is a superstar who loves bingo and has played the game since a child growing up in Wales. While you would expect that the LA lifestyle would cause her love of the game to wane when in fact reports suggest she holds bingo parties in her home every Christmas.

To be fair, Zeta Jones was only able to go to dance class and ballet class because her parents won £100,000 on bingo when she was a child. It is likely that this would prompt love in anybody.

Kate Moss

There could be no more opposite to the quintessential elderly bingo goer than the beautiful Kate Moss. She may live the lifestyle of a supermodel and rockstar but she loves nothing more than playing bingo. Bingo games were part of her family life when she was growing up and she has brought this tradition into her own family. While it is hard to imagine the hard-living Kate Moss settling down for some bingo on a Saturday night, we are assured that it happens and she loves the game.

Cristiano Ronaldo

You think we are pushing our luck now, we can tell. You were going to be pushed along with the two beautiful women but throw in a superstar footballer from Portugal and it stretches belief. However, remember that Ronaldo spent some time in Manchester and his manager, Alex Ferguson, suggested bingo as a way to help him learn English. Not only did he speak the language by the end but he had also developed a love of the game. He told a Portugese newspaper that the game was “very exciting”!

Russell Crowe

The man who played the gladiator in the film of the same name and hit some bum-mish notes in Les Miserable, also loves bingo. In fact, when he was 22 and living in his native country of New Zealand, he used to work as a bingo caller. He got fired for calling numbers and giving those numbers some names that made the players blush. We seriously love this fact and it goes to prove that Russell Crowe could make cleaning the toilet cool.

Sharon Osborne

Celeb Bingo Pictures

Celeb Bingo

The reality programme judge, music producer and wife to Ozzy Osbourne, Sharon has an absolute passion for online bingo. When you look at her busy lifestyle, you can’t help but ask yourself how she manages it all. However, when your schedule is packed a little getaway online for a quick game could be all the rest you need. Not persuaded of her passion? Well, how about the fact that she loves it so much she created her own online bingo site. Now that is cool!

Robbie Williams

Robbie is a good Northern lad and even though he has lived the popstar lifestyle, he still leans on his roots with a game of bingo. He has organised a number of events in Hollywood using bingo as a way to raise money. He has even hosted bingo parties in his home – or so the rumour goes. When he played at one event in West Hollywood he ended up winning a delicious leopard print handbag – which just happened to be designed by Diane Merrick.

Even Gary Barlow and Mark Owen, Take That bandmates to Robbie, admitted to playing the game on tour in 2015. Come on now – you gotta admit now that you should be playing this game?

Celeb Bingo

Prince William

Celebrity Bingo Cards

OK, so if you think you are still too good for bingo then we are going to pull out the royal card. Of all the lovers of bingo, you cannot compete with Prince William, the future king of the British Empire. He would spend his spare time in a bingo hall near the Sandhurst Academy when he was training for his military service. This was a story in The Sun newspaper, so has to be true right. According to the article, he played under the pseudonym William Harry. Now, we don’t want to pour cold water on our own story – but this might not offer the best cover. Whatever, it is still an amazing idea, a stealth visit to a bingo hall for a quick game away from the firing range and being a handsome prince.

Cruise Ship Bingo

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